Changing Default IP Address to Suit Network Addressing Scheme

The device is shipped with the following default IP address :

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

You can change this default IP address to suit your network addressing scheme. Once done, you can connect to the device’s Web-based management tool (Web interface) using this new IP address.

The following procedure describes how to change the default IP address through the CLI. The procedure uses the regular CLI commands. Alternatively, you can use the CLI Wizard utility to set up your device with the initial OAMP settings. The utility provides a fast-and-easy method for initial configuration of the device through CLI. For more information, refer to the document SBC-Gateway CLI Reference Guide, by clicking here.

To change the IP address through CLI:
1. Establish a CLI session with the device using any of the following connection methods:
RS-232 port: Connect the serial port to a PC COM port.
VGA and USB ports: Connect the VGA port to a VGA monitor and the USB port to a keyboard.
2. At the CLI prompt, type the username (default is "Admin" - case sensitive), and then press Enter:
Username: Admin
3. At the prompt, type the password (default is "Admin" - case sensitive), and then press Enter:
Password: Admin
4. At the prompt, type the following, and then press Enter:
# enable
5. At the prompt, type the password, and then press Enter:
Password: Admin
6. At the prompt, type the following commands to access the network interface configuration:
# configure network
(config-network)# interface network-if 0

To ensure that you type the correct command syntax, use the Tab key to auto-complete partially entered commands

7. At the prompt, type the following commands to configure the IP address, prefix length and default gateway:
(network-if-0)# ip-address <new IP address, e.g.,>
(network-if-0)# prefix-length <prefix length, e.g., 16>
(network-if-0)# gateway <default gateway IP address, e.g.,>
8. At the prompt, type the following command to apply the network interface configuration and exit the table:
(network-if-0)# activate
(network-if-0)# exit
9. If the device is connected to an IP network that uses a VLAN ID, type the following commands to configure it (otherwise, skip this step):
(config-network)# network-dev 0
(network-dev-0)# vlan-id 10
(network-dev-0)# activate
(network-dev-0)# exit
10. At the prompt, type the following command to exit configuration:
(config-network)# exit
11. At the prompt, make sure that the default port (GE_1 for Mediant 9080 / Mediant 9000 Rev. B or GE_5 for Mediant 9030) is connected (i.e., link is UP) by typing the following command:
# show network physical-port

The port is mapped to network-if-0, by default. For more information on mapping physical ports to the logical configuration ports, see Configuring Ethernet Port Groups.

Once you have assigned an IP address that suits your network environment, you can connect remotely with this IP address to the device's Web interface for management and configuration. To access the Web interface, see Web-Based Management.

For initial setup, it is recommended to configure the following network settings:

Modify and configure IP network interfaces, see Configuring IP Network Interface
Configure the physical Ethernet ports (speed, and mode), see Configuring Physical Ethernet Ports.